This address, 323 East 58th Street, is the second location for Café Nicholson. John Nicholson and Karl Bissinger moved the wildly popular restaurant here in 1952 after 4 years at its original location, 212 East 58th Street. This space had been the studio of artist and scupltor, Joe Davidson. At this new location they only opened for dinner and it was some time before they finally acquired a liquor license. In the interim, they started the concept of BYOB, by offering a menu of wine from nearby liquor stores. The liquor stores would deliver, or people would bring their own bottles from home. The decor you are enjoying here at 323 East 58th is the result of a trip Johnie Nicholson took to Puerto Rico at 1958.
Here´s the story of the tiles:
Johnie was invited to Puerto Rico by the head of tourist development who wanted him to consider relocating to San Juan and opening a restaurant in Old San Juan, which at the time needed extensive renovation and development. After taking a look around, Jonhie decided he would not open his own restaurant there, but he scoured the island for decorative items for other clients. The plumber on the job said he had something to show him and took him to the attic of an old building. There they found hand painted drawings of different tiles that were very fashionable in the 1900´s. Along with the drawings was a large shipment of pristine, exquisitely painted tiles. The bill of lading, which they found, said they were made in Seville between 1890 and 1902. Johnie was able to buy the tiles for ten cents a piece. He shipped them back to New York, and they became the basis of the look you see here at Café Nicholson.